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Our Core Values

Always takes care of business; assumes responsibility, supports accountability, leads by example.

Embodies constant improvement; always asks why and continuously improves our processes.

Commits to teamwork and collaboration; operates with a sense of urgency.

Takes care of one another; works enthusiastically, treats others professionally and respectfully.

Our Mission

Protect People Around the World

As a calling and purpose, it’s an awesome reason
to get out of bed in the morning and go to work.

 - Nik Lewer, Senior Vice President

Our History

In Fort Worth, D.C. Lewer begins work as an agent for Dallas-based Southland Life Insurance Co. selling life insurance to Rock Island Railroad workers. The Southland Life building was the tallest building west of the Mississippi River.

With an entrepreneurial spirit, D.C. Lewer moves his young insurance agency and growing family from Ft. Worth to Kansas City to better serve national accounts.

D.C. Lewer named the No. 1 producing life insurance agent in the country by Insurance Salesman Magazine.

The Lewer Agency moves to the Country Club Plaza where D.C. Lewer purchases a two-story office building and remodels the space for his growing company. The office location serves as the Lewer HQ for the next 50 years.

Lewer Canada is incorporated after the President of Husky Oil contacts D.C. Lewer and asks him, "Chuck, can you do the same thing for us up here in Canada that you did for all those U.S. oil companies?"

D.C. Lewer designs the Lewer logo on a napkin in the lobby of the historic Hotel Bayerischer in Munich, Germany. The logo has a likeness of four integrated “M”s, representing D.C.’s four key tenants of his business: Manpower, Markets, Merchandise, Money. The logo becomes a registered trademark in 1994.

Lewer Life Insurance Company is incorporated in June and merged with Presidential Life Insurance Company of America.

Lewer Life Insurance Company holds its first Board of Directors meeting. (Original board members: D.C. Lewer, Mike Lewer, David Rittmaster, Kent Carter, Bill Everly, Bill Spies, Bill Mead, Glenn Sowders, and L.E. Barrett)

LewerMark enrolls its first client school (Edmonds Community College in Washington) into the student insurance program, marking the company’s official launch.

  • LewerMark begins selling and administrating international student insurance plans to higher education institutions in 27 states.
  • Lewer develops its first Universal Life product in partnership with Kansas City Life.
  • Mike Lewer appointed as President of The Lewer Agency.

    D.C. Lewer purchases the final apartment building on the Country Club Plaza to complete the "Lewer Block."

    LewerMark attends its first NAFSA National Conference in Miami. NAFSA is the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors: Association of International Educators.

    The Lewer Agency secures two major affinity accounts: Shaw Flooring Network and Phillips 66.

  • LewerMark enrolls 34 new client schools within a nine-month period.
  • The first Lewer website is launched.
  • D.C. Lewer retires from daily operations.

    LewerMark wins Washington University in St. Louis, enrolling over 9,000 domestic and international students.

    Lewer Canada adds TireCraft as a national affinity account.

    Lewer updates company logo and brand.

    After eight years at Lockton, Nik Lewer joins the company with his cousin Matt Lewer as third generation owners.

    Lewer converts its student insurance block of business to new offshore carrier-partners, Sirius International Insurance Corporation and Brit Global Specialty.

    The Lewer Agency celebrates its 60th anniversary by announcing the onboarding of a new client, Kiddie Academy.

    “The Benton Farm” by artist Thomas Hart Benton, which was displayed in D.C. Lewer’s personal office for almost 40 years, is loaned to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City.

    On July 22nd, Lewer moves across the state line from the Country Club Plaza to Corporate Woods in Overland Park, KS.

    The Lewer Companies logo and brand is updated in celebration of its relocation.

    On August 22, Chairman and Founder D.C. Lewer passes away at his home. He was 92.

    Lewer Benefits Group lands Hertz affinity account.

    The Lewer Companies adds SERVPRO as a national affinity account.

    Lewer launches its newest website for international travelers -

    The Lewer Companies adds Visiting Angels as a national affinity account.

    The Lewer Companies adds Glass Guru as a national
    affinity account

    Lewer Benefits Group changes its name to LewerBenefits

    LewerCanada and Ingle International combine to form the newest insurance option for international students in Canada.

    The Lewer Companies adds Planet Fitness as a
    national affinity account.

    Why work here?

    We think we’re pretty cool, but don’t take our word for it...
    See what our people have to say about working for Lewer.

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    • " I feel very valued as an employee here at Lewer. I can tell that each person really cares about my success not only in my work life but also in my personal life. The senior leadership is supportive and helpful in every way. From the first day I walked in the door I truly felt like I belonged here."
    • "I have never worked for a place that cared so much about their employees’ progress, goals, and future success. I truly believe my boss wants me to be successful and is willing to help me to make sure that happens; that is a great feeling. The way the Directors and Vice Presidents treat everyone with respect, and the benefits offered at Lewer will help continue to attract great employees which will only help the future of Lewer!"
    • "I have continually been blown away by this company and the people who work for LewerMark. The amount of support shown to all is hands down more than I could have ever hoped for when accepting a position here. The benefits are amazing, and I look forward to my long future here at LewerMark!"
    • "Doing what is best for our clients is at the heart of who we are as a company. Creating a workplace for each employee that is caring, supportive and encouraging is at the heart of who our leadership is. The cherry on top is that I get to work with a team of individuals that sincerely care about our clients and treat them as an extension of their own family."
    • "I enjoy my work and colleagues at the Lewer Companies. We have a strong and satisfying mission to improve the lives of international students through our insurance programs and customer service. The associates at all levels are friendly and truly care about each other and our families. The culture is engrained and universally shared in our Core Values: I've Got This, We Get It Done, Kaizen, and Good Vibes. It's evident to our associates, customers, and partners."
    • "The Lewer Companies have been such a blessing in my life. The daily encouragement and motivation I get from my manager is such a wonderful thing to experience! In my almost 2 years with this company, I have referred 2 other friends of mine to join and I have enjoyed watching them grow within the company!"
    • "I’ve never worked at a place like Lewer. I felt like this was the place I was looking for the entire time I’ve been in the workforce. I even turned down a higher-paid job because I could clearly see not only the company culture and vision but also my career growth path. Over a year in, I am so glad I made that decision. I’m now at a higher pay rate and have so much opportunity for growth. I feel I could work here for the next 30 years. I feel like I am truly valued, and I belong."

    Health & 

    Family & 

    Learning & 

    Working Environment

    • 100% Employer-paid medical, dental & vision insurance for associates
    • $1,200 Employer HSA annual contribution
    • Fully stocked café with healthy snacks and drinks for associates (including a flavored water machine)
    • A plethora of 5k race entries paid for by Lewer for associates and a guest (Groundhog Run, Trolley Run, Rugged Maniac, Head for the Cure, Family Fun Run, Hospital Hill, KC Zoo Run, Wizard Run, etc.)
    • Standing desks, balance boards, under-desk treadmills

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